The L.A. Times has written an article on the recent events, announcements, and blast given by Donald Trump. Donald Trump is smart. I totally get what this plan of action is. After his victorious triumph in getting the release of President Obama's birth certificate, Donald Trump has boasted and ranted to the media. Of course he's announcing his intentions for presidency. Of course Sarah Palin applauds his relentless efforts to receive the "questionable"document, but encourages followers to focus on more important issues.
Are Trump's recent activities fueled by racism? Deval Patrick, the governor of Massachusetts, says that he is unsure if racism has anything to do with it, but questions the if American people are buying into this. Veteran Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer says that Trumps latest Obama investigation, regarding his grades and legitimacy of graduation from Harvard, are just flat out racist. If so, this adds fuel to my suspicion.
So let's break this down. Trump rally's under the Republican Party to fight for the birth certificate. Trump receives support from Palin and other republican states. Trump challenges college legitimacy and uses basketball comments with an underlying racism. Sounds like this is turning into an early catapult strategy for the republican presidential race.
For those who have never seen the show "Survivor," they use the catapult strategy on a constant basis. There are a jury of peers who were voted out of the game, and they vote on who, out of the final 3, will receives the million dollars. It's based on relationships and most of the time, the one with the most power will carry the most hated person to the final 3 with them. Why? The most hated will most likely not receive a vote from anyone. The same thing is happening with Donald Trump and the Republican Party. Trump, with his witch hunts and closet racism, will be the perfect candidate for this strategy. He will continue to stir the waters and make enemies; literally starting from the top. With a television show and celebrity status, he is guaranteed to be heard. Just when he's upset half of the country and it looks like there's no hope for republican nominees, a savior will rise. Someone with LEGITIMATE arguments, few enemies, and poise will become the new face of the party. Perhaps Palin...again? Who knows?
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