Thursday, April 14, 2011

Book Smart, Maybe...Gun Smart, Probably Not

Jeff is absolutely right on this No Guns on Campus issue. Not a good idea! I would have like to see a source on the debate, but the general information is more than enough. If we allowed students to carry weapons, there would be more casualties than imaginable. Have you ever driven in your car and wished you could shoot someones tires out, because they cut you off? I have. Human nature, as proven in the past, is not prepared to control natural instinct of confrontation. Give a student, the most stressed individual in the United States, a weapon and you open doors to violence. Not only would you have afternoon duals in the quad between two class rivals, but the number of innocent bystanders would jump dramatically. Especially in institutions that are supposed to be safe, i.e. school or church. I cannot speak for police officers, but I was military police and we STRESSED the  justifications of deadly force and rules of engagement. A firearm is the last thing you use and only if absolutely necessary. Will the common student elect to stop a threat and be sure to look past their target for innocent bystanders? Probably not. 

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